You need jobs?

We need you

Experience a seamless job search and access our rapidly growing pool of opportunities at your fingertips.


Our cutting-edge JJOBB system makes it simple for employers to connect with top talents who are interested in your job openings. You can quickly access personalized services from any recruiters on our list with just one click, streamlining your hiring process. Alongside effortless job posting, seamless interview scheduling, and the option to create a dedicated job page on your company website, our platform offers various features to improve your recruitment experience. Click here to find out what we can offer you and join us today!

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Choose the most suitable candidate from the best


Deliver top-notch candidates and receive your portion


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Apply for your dream job in just a few clicks! Our streamlined process ensures ease in both your job search and communication with potential employers. Click here to discover how we can assist you in your job seeker journey!

Recruiters, come join us! We have developed a platform to act as intermediaries between recruiters, job seekers, and companies, simplifying the recruitment process by providing a centralised space for job postings and CV submissions. Explore what we have to offer here and get started now!

Do you have a job page on your website?
Without the job page, you might miss reaching more candidates, boosting branding,
simplifying recruitment, enhancing user experience, saving costs, attracting top applicants,
gaining insights, staying competitive, benefiting long-term, and adapting in hiring.

Add FREE JOB PAGE in your company website now!
Introducing our Customized Job Page Solution for your company website – a new app created by JJOBB through Your company website is crucial for recruitment; showcase your brand, attract talent, and have a lasting impact throughout the talent acquisition journey. Unlock the full potential of your company's job page with us!

Click here to Get Your FREE JOB PAGE in your company website now!
Limited to 1st 100 companies with an active website in Singapore.